Idaikattur Church  Jigarthanda

This church was built by Mary Anne, a French Anglican lady. She was suffering from a serious ailment which doctors weren’t able to cure. She, on advice of three Roman Catholic ladies did Novena prayer for nine days for sacred heart of Jesus. As an answer to her prayers, she got cured of her illness within her 9 days of prayers. To thank God for the miracle she donated 2000 francs for the construction of the church of Sacred heart of Jesus in Idaikattur.

According to legend, Ferdinand Celle SJ wanted to build a bigger church so as to accommodate at least 1000 people. Unfortunately, because of lack of funds and inability of local villagers Idaikattur to contribute, he had gone to his homeland France for collecting money. It is during then when Mary Anne had met Fr. Ferdinand Celle SJ and requested him to build a church. Upon her request, the church structure was built in the same way as the one of Rheims cathedral




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